Find out about the competitions and challenges being run by Premier League Primary Stars.

Find out about the competitions and challenges being run by Premier League Primary Stars.
This challenge is now closed. This challenge inspired pupils to get active over the summer holidays to be in with the chance of receiving some awesome rewards.
This challenge is now closed. We asked children to be an ally and support others who face racism. This challenge supported the Premier League's No Room for Racism initiative.
This competition is now closed. This year we wanted your pupils to write poems based on the theme of ambition, using inspiration from the poem Beautiful Ambition by Karl Nova.
Football and cricket have joined forces for this competition which empowers Key Stage 2 pupils to celebrate diversity in teams.
Our competition aimed to inspire and challenge Key Stage 2 pupils to create an amazing PE lesson that they think other children will love.
The Premier League Primary Stars Plastic Pollution Challenge is now closed. Check out this year's winning videos here.