Home/School - Internet Detectives Challenge
Become an internet detective to find out all about your footballing hero!
Become an internet detective to find out all about your footballing hero!
Using the internet carefully, we'd like you to become Internet detectives and take on the challenge. Start by doing some research using the internet to create a fact file for your footballing hero.
These resources have been created with the support of Childnet.
Once you've completed your footballing hero fact file, share them with us via Twitter @PLCommunities using #PLPrimaryStars and #SaferInternetDay or by emailing them in to PLPrimaryStars@premierleague.com for a chance to be our Star of the Week.
This is part of our series of weekly challenges for 2021.
Pupils will learn:
England: PSHE (Key Stage 2)
Living in the Wider World
Wales: Health and Well-being (Progression Steps 2 and 3)
View and download individual resources